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Recently retired member races towards dream of Baja 1000 thanks to new bursary

Recently retired member races towards dream of Baja 1000 thanks to new bursary

Michael Webb, a member of The Toronto Scottish Regiment, is one of the first recipients of a new bursary, created to ease the financial burden for CAF members pursuing their academic dreams.

Michael Webb, a member of The Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother’s Own), is one of the first recipients of this bursary created to ease the financial burden for CAF members pursuing their academic dreams. “The staff at Transition Centre Cold Lake, with their remarkable skills, identified the Vari Foundation Education Bursary to me as a source of funding to cover my educational needs,” says Michael.

Michael wants to pursue a diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technologies to one day build a vehicle that will race in the Baja 1000, an off-road motorsport race held each year in Mexico. “The bursary means I can achieve my diploma with less worry, allowing me to focus more on my scholastic efforts,” he says.

The George and Helen Vari Foundation’s Endowment gift of $1 million to Support Our Troops established the Vari Foundation Education Fund, which supports education for Regular and Reserve force Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members.

To learn more about the Vari Foundation Education Bursary Program, including eligibility and application process, visit this page.

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