Op Tiny Troops
Operation Tiny Troops aims to get elementary school children to create holiday cards with messages (and drawings!) of thanks to the troops. This allows the opportunity for kids to begin thinking about the role soldiers play while on deployment, and how they impact or inspire them.
Our mission: to ensure that every Op Santa package contains an Operation Tiny Troops holiday card.
How it works: Children can create their own cards using any type of paper (make sure to fold it into a card) or use one of our pre-made templates that can easily be printed and personalized. The templates can be printed in black and white or color.
- Once all the cards have been completed, we will send you a pre-paid shipping slip to send all the cards back to us so we can send it over to the troops!
- Please try and avoid putting the cards in your own envelopes as all cards have to be reviewed prior to sending.
- Please avoid writing the year down as we could use the card for next year.
If your class (or even entire school!) would like to get involved, please follow these steps:
- Email johnston.amy@cfmws.com
In the email, please indicate:
- Number of students that would like to participate; and
- Main point of contact (if there is more than one class, a main point of contact will ensure easier communication).