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National Child and Youth Disability Reimbursement Program

Program Update: As of 01 April 2025, the Support Our Troops Special Needs Grant Program will be replaced with the National Child and Youth Disability Reimbursement Program. Information on the new program will be available on the National Child and Youth Disability Reimbursement Program page within the Support Our Troops website. Applications for the current Special Needs Grant Program will be accepted until 14 March 2025. The new program will open for applications 01 April 2025.

Supporting school-aged children and youth with disabilities access their education curriculum.

The National Child and Youth Disability Reimbursement Program provides financial compensation for assessments, therapies, assistive devices and/or equipment to assist dependent school-aged children with disabilities including neurodevelopmental, social, physical, and medical needs who require accommodations to access their education curriculum

The National Child and Youth Disability Reimbursement Program provides financial reimbursement up to a total of $3,000 per applicant per fiscal year (1 April-31 March).

The program provides financial reimbursement for:

1. Assessments and/or therapies not already covered by insurance. This includes but is not limited to​:
  • Speech and language, physical and occupational therapies
  • Psychological and educational assessments
  • Applied Behavioral Analysis
  • Vision and hearing
  • Intensive Behavioural Intervention

2.  Assistive devices and/or equipment to support student’s access to the curriculum as identified in an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or an equivalent validation from the applicant’s school or qualified professional and not already covered by insurance. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Sensory equipment
  • Specialized devices such as an FM system
  • Specialized mobility aids
  • Specialized seating
  • Technology including a laptop, software and applications
  • Specialized reading and/or writing tools

Regular and Reserve Force CAF members with dependent school-aged children with disabilities including neurodevelopmental, social, physical, and medical needs who require accommodations to access their education curriculum are eligible.

Dependent school-aged children must be enrolled in an accredited elementary or secondary school or following a homeschool program.

Applications from additional populations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Application Cycle:  01 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.

Submission Frequency: You can submit receipts for reimbursement up to two times per fiscal year (from April 1 to March 31). Receipt dates must be aligned with the current fiscal year.

Maximum Reimbursement: The total amount you can be reimbursed is $3,000 per fiscal year.

Step 1: Apply to determine eligibility

Your application must include:

  • A current copy of the CAF member’s Member Personnel Record Resume.

  • Documentation to validate the required assessments, therapies, assistive devices and/or equipment.

​Examples of supporting documents could be a predetermination from the insurer, a physician’s note, an IEP, a report, a letter, an assessment and/or a referral from a qualified professional. Family and friend references are not accepted as supporting documentation.

Examples of a qualified professional could be from the child’s school, a speech-language pathologist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, a social worker, a psychologist, or a physician, etc.

If your application is approved, you will be sent the financial reimbursement form.

Step 2: Financial Reimbursement

Once your application is approved, submit the financial reimbursement form along with your receipts. You may submit receipts for reimbursement a maximum of two times per fiscal year up to a maximum reimbursement of $3,000.

Financial reimbursement forms must include:

  • A VOID cheque or Direct Deposit Form.

  • CAF member’s CF1 card number.

  • CAF member’s service number.

  • Applicable insurance statements.

Priority will be given to first time applicants. Applications from additional populations will be considered on case-by-case basis.

A waitlist may be established where demand exceeds available funding.

Support Our Troops will only provide reimbursement for disability-related expenses validated by qualified professionals including but not limited to staff at the child’s school, a speech-language pathologist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, a social worker, a psychologist, or a physician, etc.

Dependent school-aged children with disabilities following a homeschooling program are eligible for the National Child and Youth Disability Reimbursement Program. 

Life sustaining medical equipment and/or prescriptions required for daily living are not eligible under the National Child and Youth Disability Reimbursement Program. 

For any questions related to the National Child and Youth Disability Reimbursement Program, please contact us at:

